
Welcome to our new family blog! With so many things going on, we decided it was time to put something together to keep up with all the info and pics. Facebook is great for sharing pics, but blogs allow you to share the story behind the pic. Enjoy and feel free to share any comments.

(Note: Click on the photos to enlarge)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Bath, Beach, and The Loch Ness Monster

On Saturday we went over to St. Simon's Island for some badly needed beach time!  Riley loves the pool, the ocean not so much.  She was literally terrified of the water and wanted nothing to do with it, even if I was holding her out of the water.  Playing in the sand, on the other hand, was a blast!

Just last night Drew received is first bath.  Of course his big sister was right there ready, willing, and able to pitch in and get the job done!  The first photo shows Riley literally pouring water on top of Drew's head, which caught us both off guard.  The second photo shows that laughing is really all you can do once you make sure that Drew is still breathing.  Drew is going to be one tough SOB when gets older! lol

And the always elusive Lock Ness Monster (aka Christopher) made a brief appearance, giving me just enough time to grab my camera, make a joke, and snap this shot!  Please, no comments about the washed out red/pink/white/yellow/brown stripe on his head! lol

Friday, July 16, 2010

Out Of Town

I lot of fans have been emailing me (OK, it was only my mom...) asking about photo updates... Well, the wife and babies are down visiting her folks right now, so I haven't been able to take any photos.  Erin said that Drew's acne is all clear, so I plan to take some shots down there this weekend and hopefully post in the next day or two. 

In the meantime, here are a few pics that I took before they left.

Also, she has learned to be a bit of a daredevil.  Here she is literally leaping off of the ottoman. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can a newborn sleep through the night?

The answer is YES!  Drew, my good little buddy, slept from just before midnight all the way til 7am!  For those that think you should wake a newborn in the middle of the night and feed them I have this to say... You're nuts!  Why would you wake a baby in the middle of the night when you're trying to teach them to sleep during the night??  Yeah, no compute here either.

Now, we're fully aware that this could change tonight and he could be up all night, but we're happy for last night, and really the night before as he slept most of that night, too.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Riley's Baby

Riley is still VERY attached to Drew.  So far she hasn't asked one time for us to take him back to the hospital.  In fact, she loves for us to place him on her lap so that she can take care of "her baby".

She also likes to get in one of his bouncy seats when he is in one... luckily the weight limit is 25 lbs and she is only 24!

This weekend was a weekend of firsts for someone else, too.  Camryn Doyle (Riley's friend) was over playing and stood up unattended for the first time!  

Saturday, July 3, 2010

She still likes him... for now.

Here are a couple of shots, as promised, of the two little ones hanging out.  Riley has made it a habit of getting in the chair with Erin when she is feeding Drew. 

Also, here is a shot of Papa (Erin's Dad) and Drew bonding.

New Photos...

Will be coming soon!  Mommy is doing much better now.  For those that didn't know, the CRNA pushed the epidural too far and punctured Erin's spinal cord.  This causes the spinal cord fluid to leak... this same fluid also keeps the brain "floating" in the skull... when this happens, severe headaches come and go until you get a blood patch.  This was done, so hopefully all is well now.

Riley still likes Drew, which is a good thing.  Although, she is starting to get fed up with Drew taking all of her mommy time!  lol

Anyway, we have ribs on the smoker (so, I gotta go!) and we're just enjoying the 4th of July weekend and we hope you all are as well!  Pics later I promise! :)