
Welcome to our new family blog! With so many things going on, we decided it was time to put something together to keep up with all the info and pics. Facebook is great for sharing pics, but blogs allow you to share the story behind the pic. Enjoy and feel free to share any comments.

(Note: Click on the photos to enlarge)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Riley's 1st Hair Cut

Just a few days shy of making it to two years, but Riley finally had her 1st hair cut today.  Of course, Riley kept Mommy and Tiffany busy trying to keep up as she took her to-do list with her to the salon.  She is a good sport and luckily so is Mommy and her new hair dresser, Tiffany!  Here are a few shots from today.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Today starts Halloween weekend!  Today daycare is doing a Halloween party for the kids.  Here is a picture of Riley and Drew this morning before heading to daycare!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drew is still sick...

We hope to find out more today at his 2:45pm appointment, but for now we are just baffled.  About every 2 to 3 days he will puke.  At first, we thought it was just from the Similac recall, but then we're pretty sure that he also picked up a stomach virus, but that was 2 weeks ago and it is still happening.  Perhaps he is just having a reflux issue.... hopefully we'll find out more today.  Riley is doing much better, but she was really only down for a day or two... not much can keep her down for longer than that!  Here are a couple of shots we took this past week.

Riley wanted to play in Mommy's car Friday night, so Mommy and Riley had a pizza party in the car while jamming to music!

Riley loves to take care of her baby dolls!

Notice how Riley makes sure to have a burp cloth for her baby doll!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Riley's 2nd Bday Party in Jesup

Last weekend we held Riley's 2nd Bday party in Jesup and it was awesome!  We had a great turnout and everyone seemed to have a load of fun, especially Riley!  This past week hasn't been so great as we've all been fighting colds and Drew has a nasty stomach virus that has proved to be difficult to deal with.  We had to take Drew to the ER on Thursday because he couldn't keep any food or Pedialyte down... he's doing much better today.  Here are a few pics from the party.

For the rest of the pics from the party check out this slideshow!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Riley's Bedroom Goof

These are the shots from Riley's new bedroom furniture.  Rooms to Go delivered a bed and nightstand that does not match the dresser and chest.  The dresser and chest were purchased just before Riley was born.  When it was delivered we noticed a green hue, but I told Erin that was just from the green paint on the walls.  I was wrong.  When the new stuff arrived it was white... really white and you can tell a difference.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

1st Time

October is the month for 1st times!  Christopher went to the playground for the 1st time with his siblings!  Riley had Christopher following her around the playground.  He was a good sport about it!

Last night while eating dinner as a family, Riley stood up in her seat and announced she needed to go poopoo!  She usually tells us she has gone poopoo, not that she needs to go poopoo.  Mommy took her to the bathroom and Riley sat on the potty.  To her surprise amd Mommy's she went poopoo in the potty for the 1st time!!!  She was scared when she saw what was in her potty and wasn't sure what to think.

After a lot of cheering and telling Riley good job, she was in amazement!